Practice makes perfect! Most students ask me how much they need to practice to improve. I grew up loving to sing and play piano and had to be torn away from the instrument so the question always takes my by surprise!
I recently started to learn another instrument and instantly remembered that it requires daily practice to improve. It's ok to take a day or two off between weekly lessons, but HONESTLY: practice at least 20 minutes a day to see improvement.
For singing, muscles MUST adapt to the concepts. You may understand them in the lesson discussion, but the voice will not follow unless you physically implement the concepts to develop coordination and muscle memory.
Much like singing, for instruments such as piano or guitar, muscle memory is crucial. Unlike singing, you are expected to memorize the notes on the piano or perhaps read music. In this case, it's EXACTLY like learning a language. If you practice a second language daily-immerse yourself-you will improve your chances of becoming fluent. If you take too much time between practicing you will lose your ability to be fluent.
So moral of story, PRACTICE DAILY for at least 20 minutes. FOR MAJOR IMPROVEMENT, practice 1 hour a day. PRO TIP- if you practice an hour when you begin your learning process, you will quickly get good at your instrument. When this happens, it will be a faster journey to playing the songs YOU want to learn and will contribute to more freedom to express yourself. Point being-once your reach this level, it will be no skin off your back to practice at least an hour a day because it won't feel like practice anymore.
If you are interested in taking lessons and getting on a committed practice schedule, check out our package rates for piano, singing and songwriting lessons either online or the Los Angeles area. We have an in-person studio in Venice, CA next to Ocean Park and Mar Vista.